Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rain Rain, please go away and take my stomach pain with you!

Wow! We have had like 7 days of straight rain..i actually love the rain but at this point it is a total downer..i miss the sun..

I'm still not feeling well.. However my business is so great because if I need to rest or take a break, I can! I have come to appreciate it more and more since I have been sick...

Sometimes when something "not so good" happens in your life, you really see a more clearer picture of yourself and what you really want to accomplish. I have been sick for like over 6 weeks now and they still can't figure out my problem..I know I can't be the only one in the world who has had a problem that doctors can't figure out but it really makes me empathize with those who've gone through this..it's very frustrating..my pain isn't constant so i do get relief but since I can't eat hardly at all, it has effected my energy level. I no longer can work out which was my hobby. I loved it because it was a stress relief for me but now I don't know if I could get through 10 minutes...anyway..I don't want to complain...

I will feel better soon...it's just a matter of time..


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I feel like I'm letting myself and my body go when I don't workout, even when it's because of a bad headache. I can understand even though I don't get sick much.

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