Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's TOUGH out there..

The other day I spoke with a woman on the phone whose story broke my heart. She has 4
children and the oldest is 17 and pregnant. She was divorced after 21 years and now living on her own in a small 2 bedroom with all 4 kids and one grandbaby on the way. Although she felt "stuck" there was nothing I could say to help her understand that she's NOT stuck..i know it's hard to see that when everything seems so hopeless but if you continue to think that way than you will only attract more negativity into your life and not only that but you will find yourself in a rut..everyone goes through difficult times but the key is how you respond to those difficulties. Changing your thinking can really change the course of your life but you must start there first. Start with YOU!Start dreaming again and write down what you would like to see change in your life in the months and years to come..don't depend on others to "save you"

Feed your mind with good stuff..find inspiration in books and listen to motivational speakers's YOUR owe it to yourself and your family to change your mindset and then create an action plan..

The Ameriplan Opportunity has allowed me to dream again..this opportunity is great for a person that's a giver..a person who likes to help others...for more information, click here..
We offer Part Time and Full Time and our training is very can also listen to a 24/7 Recorded Career Overview call which goes over the details: 616-712-1450 Have a Happy Easter everyone!

2 comments: said...

Hey, Jess,
I came across your site today, and your message confirms exactly what has been happening in my life. "Changing your thinking can really change the course of your life but you must start there first."
I help people know exactly what their retirement will look like so they can determine if its right for them right now. The transition into this stage of life begins with 'YOU'. Although your post implies this is for someone much younger, its so very true no matter what age you may be. Maybe even more so as we age, since its easy to get stuck and not continue living LIFE.
When I coach clients, one of the steps to planning retirement is to begin dreaming what your ideal life will look like. As you said, "'s YOUR owe it to yourself and your family to change your mindset and then create an action plan". Good advice no matter what age or stage you may be.
Thanks for the inspiring words, Jess.
Tracey Fieber

Veronica Lee said...

Happy Easter!

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